24h Check-In
At our check-In station you can check in 24 h.
The Check-In is possible with reservation and also without reservation.
For questions please do not hasitate to contact us
Check-In with reservation
- touch the screen
- choose your language
- select “check-In with reservation”
- select “Identification number”
- type in your booking number
- pay with VISA, Mastercard, AMEX or giro card / NO Cash
- check your reservation details
- sign your registration form
- remove your key card and your invoice
Check-In without reservation
- touch the screen
- choose your language
- select “check-in without reservation”
- select number of nights
- select number of guests
- enter your name and check your reservation details
- pay with VISA, Mastercard, AMEX od. EC-Karte
- sign your registration form
- remove your key card and your invoice